Inside The Arena At Medieval Times



The show was exciting and the food was filling. Dinner included a tomato bisque, a slice of garlic bread, a whole roasted chicken, a rib, and a herb-bashed potato. The jousters weapons would sometime spark during combat and the sounds of metal on metal were clearly heard. Our yellow night was defeated early on but it was still fun cheering for him. Everyone had a great time and we even got two steins to take home with us.

6 Responses to “ Inside The Arena At Medieval Times ”

  1. I’d love to try that sometime. Have you seen this, BTW:
    How medieval-themed restaurants get it wrong


  2. knight*

    i’ve always wanted to go though. but booboo doesn’t :(


    Russell Heimlich responded on December 9th, 2008:

    You guys should totally go. It’s loads of fun.

  3. looks fun, I wanna go but need someone to go with.


    Russell Heimlich responded on December 18th, 2008:

    It’s worth it when it’s 50% off. I dunno if it is really worth the regular price.

  4. Well I appreciate that metric thats the way I like it :). When people can qualify an experience with a cost.


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