ImageWell Is Perfect For Quick Photo Edits

We bloggers always seem to be in a hurry. I always try to include a photo in all of my posts and when I am in a rush, waiting for the slow and bloated Photoshop to open is a real drag. That is why I rely on ImageWell whenever I am posting from my PowerBook. ImageWell features…

  • Resize, Rotate, Crop and Flip
  • Layering and Transparency controls for images and draw objects
  • Web Preview and Quality/Size adjustment tool before uploading to the web
  • Screen Grab feature grabs full screen, a selection on your screen, or window grab and automatically imports it into the well for instant editing and sending

ImageWell Screenshot

I mostly use it to resize and compress larger image to fit on my blog but it provides other features that I may use in the future. The best thing of all is ImageWell is completely free! So if you constantly find yourself waiting for Photoshop to boot up just to make a minor change, consider using ImageWell and get back to your web work.

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