Which Presidential ’08 Candidate Is For You?

We are a good year and a half away from the 2008 United States Presidential Election but people are getting all worked up about the political season. Deciding who to stand behind used to be a rather complex task of researching a candidate and deciphering their message to see if they are for or against a certain issue. Luckily there are lots of people using the Internet to make it a cinch for you to pick.

At DEHP.net/candidate you can choose if you are for or against various issues including abortion rights, Iraq, net neutrality, same-sex marriage, universal healthcare etc. and how important that issue is to you. It will then spit out the rankings of the candidates that are the best match for you including the issues they disagree with you. Here is how I stacked up:

Kucinich 55
No Child Left Behind

Obama 40
Patriot Act, Same-Sex Marriage

Edwards 39
No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Iran – Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Clinton 39
No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Iran – Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Dodd 35
No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Iran – Military Action

Biden 34
No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Same-Sex Marriage

Gravel 33
(you have no disagreements with this candidate)

Richardson 33
Assault Weapons Ban, Patriot Act, Iran – Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

McCain -8
Giuliani -12
Paul -12
Thompson -14
Cox -23
Huckabee -28
Brownback -37
Romney -38
Tancredo -48
Hunter -50

As you can see Dennis Kucinich is the best match for my views with Barack Obama, John Edwards, and Hillary Clinton right behind. All of the data was collected from www.2decide.com/table.htm, which gives a great overview of all the candidates.

Now that only took me 15 minutes including writing up this blog entry.

One Response to “ Which Presidential ’08 Candidate Is For You? ”

  1. […] Which Presidential ‘08 Candidate Is For You? – We are a good year and a half away from the 2008 United States Presidential Election but people are getting all worked up about the political season. Deciding who to stand behind used to be a rather complex task of researching a … […]

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